DOWINA, incoming travel agency

  • Záhradnícka 46, 82108 Bratislava


Our agency was established in 1991 and licenced to provide a full range of travel services, including trips and tours for clients wishing to explore Slovakia. The whole team confirms their commitment to ethical business and high quality services. Our experiences help us to set up programs that fulfill high demands of your clients and still remain within a reasonable budget. If you need assistance with the leisure or incentive programs for your customers, please send us your request and we will prepare a suitable price proposal for you.

We offer many great incentive programs including rafting or a boat trip on the Danube river, visiting the factory of a global automotive leader, discovering the city in an unusual way, cooking lessons of traditional Slovak dishes or a cultural experience that takes in Bratislava´s modern art galleries and museums. Suitable accommodation, professional guides in different languages and transportation on the site are an inevitable part of our offer. On the following pages we give you ideas of what can be offered. All our suggestions can be adapted to your own ideas and according to the needs of your clients.

We are open to a cooperation with touroperators worldwide. Our language skills include English, German and French and of course Slovak or Czech.
Viac informácií


Cestovné kancelárie a agentúry

Otváracie hodiny

pondelok 0:00 - 23:59
utorok 0:00 - 23:59
streda 0:00 - 23:59
štvrtok 0:00 - 23:59
piatok 0:00 - 23:59
sobota 0:00 - 23:59
nedeľa 0:00 - 23:59

Po telefonickom dohovore.

Kontaktné údaje

Viac kontaktných údajov

Kontaktné osoby

Viac kontaktných osob


  • Zájazdy
  • výlety
  • Turistika
  • poznávacie zájazdy
Ďalšie služby


Kľúčové slová

Incoming agency Slovakia, Incoming travel agency, Incoming agency Bratislava, Tours to Slovakia, Tours to Bratislava, DMC for Slovakia, Trip to slovakia, Trip to Bratislava

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